Tuesday 3 November 2009

Haunting In Connecticut

This film "Haunting In Connecticut" was a good one and genuinely scary at times and like many haunted house movies the tension that is built up throughout just makes it even better, you can read the full review here - Horror Film Review: The Haunting In Connecticut

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Splinter Horror Movie Review

Splinter is a great example of bringing back the scares and the fun to the horror genre with a unique monster spin that uses the infected overtones from other horror films in the genre and creates a fantastic tension throughout.

You can read the review I did here - Splinter

Saturday 29 November 2008

A Tiny Horror Rant

Over the course of my 27 years in existence I have come to appreciate the artform of the horror film and simply put it is the basis for my art and all of my creations to date, right through from the classic zombie films like day of the dead and evil dead it has inspired me no end to create and draw through the creative expression that this film genre translates.

Even such low budget horror films like bad taste and braindead are such cult classics I simply have to watch them now and again to marvel at their gore and creative inventiveness and plus they make me laugh, also I feel without this film genre in existence I dont think it possible that many other films to date would have been made, for instance if sam raimi hadn't gotten the first evil dead off the ground would he have gone on to direct the spiderman films, I think not somehow, or if peter jackson hadn't manged to turn in roast of the day(bad taste) or dead alive(braindead) on time or just lost interest completely, lord of the rings wouldn't be such a phenomenon it is today and his king kong remake would still be sitting in development hell for many more years to come never seeing the light of day.

What my main point is is that people have to start somewhere even if the odds are stacked against them, I'm writing this blog because I'm slowly trying to beat the odds against me and believe that exposing ones self(if you pardon the phrase) with an ability of some kind and show it to the general public, then you may get somewere in life and it's such a short life and miserable things happen to decent people and most bad people usually get rewarded for there bad deeds, it's a turd state of the world some days, but ignoring these days and focusing on something positive in life, like some kind of ambition is the best you could do and plus I just love horror films

Anyway I'll have a review next.

Sunday 23 November 2008

Braindead Review " I Kick Arse For The Lord"

Dead Alive

What can I say about this comedy horror film that has a special place in my horror dvd collection, directed by Peter Jackson who did that other New Zealand classic Bad Taste, this had a larger budget than that other comedy horror film and as such stands up even today as effects moved on through advances in prosthetics, although the Lionel's Mum Monster at the end looks rather shaky, but small quibbles aside this is still a fun film.

The Rat Infected Rat Monkey

Mummy's boy Lionel has to look after his mother particularly when she gets bitten by a nasty rat monkey whilst at the zoo and slowly falls to bits and dies, then comes back as a zombie and all chaos ensues in a small New Zealand town. The story is packed full with hilarious comedy moments as at first Lionel tries to cover up the zombie infections, but it becomes hard towards the end of the film when Lionel's uncle throws a party and then zombie chaos ensues.

Memorable moments there are many in this film! The vicar shouts out "I kick arse for the lord" and there are such other sayings as "I enjoy a good custard"

The ending is one of the best scenes in horror zombie cinema film history, seeing Lionel facing off against the zombie onslaught with a lawn mower is an iconic moment that made my granny scream...stop it!

If you want to see a horror comedy that is brainless but fun then this is for you...a 10 out of 10 for Braindead or Dead Alive as it is known in other part of the world.

Saturday 22 November 2008

28 Days Later Review

28 days later sums up the new age of horror films that have surfaced so far from british film and cinema, the raw energy that director Danny Boyle gives to this film is apparent, his love of film genres is on display here, while this film has been compared to zombie films, it is not one of them.

The infected is the only comparable theme, the rage virus is quite quick to infect people with a drop of blood as the catalyst. The story starts when a group of animal activists break into a animal research laboratory and release an infected monkey which bites one of them, infecting and inflicting the rage virus on London and the whole of the world.

The brutal nature of the man created rage virus is one of the main themes of the film, the eboala type symptom of vomitting blood is quite ugly, but then then is a horror film so what would you expect.

The best scenes in the film are when things happen obviously, but also when nothing is happening creates some kind of tension and atmosphere, for instance when our central character played by Cillian Murphy wakes up in a hospital bed there is an unnerving quiet about the whole situation, the later view of the London Bridge all deserted looks calm but eery in an early morning sunlit sequence.

The scene were rats run from the infected is an effective scene which mirrors years past events of the black death and the plague, the idea that filthy rats are so above themselves running away from infected disease ridden nutters just seems as if that would actually happen in real life.

The ending wasn't too bleak either, as what happens with most apocalyptic films, this film ends on a hopeful note however, until 28 weeks later that is.

The overall feel of the film is good for a british made film and the gory bits are what makes the film more stand out, with some shocking bits of squirting blood and virus ridden death and destruction.

Friday 21 November 2008

Welcome To Horror DVD Review

Like most people I like horror dvd's, I don't scare easily, but some that I've seen recently freaked me out or grossed me out whichever. Horror films are just a favourite of mine to watch and I've built up quite a collection of horror dvd's so far with more to add.

Over the coming weeks I will be reviewing all of my horror dvd collection and new dvd's I may buy along the way, and I hope you enjoy the reviews that I write on this blog.

Overtime I may review the extras (if any) for each horror dvd, I'll leave it for now and just concentrate on the actual films for now.